Day 3 - Advanced Linux Commands

Day 3 - Advanced Linux Commands

Thus, Day 2 essentially addressed the fundamentals of Linux commands. We will now cover some advanced Linux commands that are necessary to write scripts.

Let's begin😎

  1. chmod

     chmod(change mode) ->  To change the access mode of a file/dir.
     Ex :- chmod 777 test.txt
     Here 7 is "read + write + execute" permissions
     read = 4
     write = 2
     execute = 1
     And 3 times "7" means, we are giving all permissions to users, groups and others.
  2. grep

     grep(global regular expression print) -> It searches a file for a particular pattern of characters, and displays all lines that contain that pattern.
     Ex: >cat test.txt
              Hi Smriti!!
              How are you?
              How was your day?
         >grep "How" test.txt
          o/p:-    How are you?
                   How was your day?
  3. awk

     awk -> It filters the data in the form of column. 
     The awk command is a versatile text processing tool that allows you to manipulate and analyze text data. It can extract specific fields from a file, perform calculations, and format data.
     Default separator is "Space".
     Ex: >cat test.txt
              Hi Smriti!!
              How are you?
              How was your day?
         >awk '/How/' test.txt 
          o/p:-    How are you?
                   How was your day?
         >awk '/How/ {print $2}' test.txt   #Will print 2nd column
          o/p:-    are
  4. find

     find -> Used to find files and directories and perform subsequent operations on them.
     Ex: find /home/Smriti *.txt
     Above command will give list of all files with ".txt" extensions present in the location /home/Smriti.
  5. sed

     sed(stream editor) -> Used for manipulating text.
     It allows you to search for patterns in a text and perform various operations on the matching text, such as replacing it, deleting it, or printing it
     Ex: >cat fruits.txt
         >sed 's/Mango/Kiwi/g' fruits.txt 
         #s -> substitution operator
         #Mango -> Search String
         #Kiwi -> Replacement String 
         #g -> global replacement
          o/p:- Apple
  6. tail/head

     tail -20 filename -> To print the last 20 lines of a file
     head -20 filename -> To print the first 20 lines of a file
  7. tar

     tar -> used to create Archive and extract the Archive files.
     Ex: tar xvf file.tar #Extracts files from an archive.
         tar cvf file.tar *.txt #creates a tar file which is the Archive of all .txt files.
  8. top

     top -> displays all the running process within the environment of your system.
     It helps in monitoring system usage and performances.
     Ex: top -o %CPU #display a list of processes sorted by CPU usage.
  9. ssh

     ssh(secured shell) -> used to securely log into a remote machine and execute commands on that machine.
     Syntax: ssh user@host
     where, user = username on the remote machine
            host = address or hostname of the remote machine.
     Ex: ssh user@
  10. scp

scp(secured copy) -> used to securely copy files between two machines.
Syntax: scp source_file user@destination_host:destination_path 
where, source_file = file to copy
       user = username on the remote machine
       destination_host = address or hostname of the remote machine
       destination_path = location on the remote machine where the file will be copied.
Ex:  scp file.txt user@

*👆The information presented above is based on my interpretation. Suggestions are always welcome.*😊

~ Smriti Sharma✌